
Put PIV data from separated text files into a .mat file, in order to keep the number of files small and meantime save some storage space.


python wrap_piv.py piv_folder
  • piv_folder: piv data folder containing .csv files


If the given folder contains .txt files generated by ImageJ PIV, we need to run rename_ij_piv.py first to convert the file name and format.


The original .csv files will be deleted once the .mat file is saved.


  • Dec 01, 2022 – Initial commit.

  • Dec 19, 2022 – Add a warning of deleting original .csv files.

  • Jan 05, 2023 – (i) Adapt myimagelib import style. (ii) Add screen info.

  • Feb 08, 2023 – Rewrite in function wrapper form, to make autodoc work properly. (autodoc import the script and execute it, so anything outside if __name__=="__main__" will be executed, causing problems)