
A simple graphical interface to manually input droplet coords which are not found by the automatic algorithm. The script reads the “tracking.csv” file as the raw trajectory, reindex it with index.min() and index.max(), and display all the missing frames (x, y are NaN) in order. Click on the droplet center and the coords will be recorded. The data will only be saved at the end of the script.


python analysis_folder nd2Dir radius
  • analysis_folder: the folder containing all the tracking analysis related files. Current method involves many steps and files, e.g. hough_params.json and finding.csv, so I collect all of them in a folder for easy management.

  • nd2Dir: directory of the .nd2 raw image file.

  • radius: radius of the inner droplet (pixels). This is used to set the circle cursor, which aids the eye during manual tracking.


  • Mar 14, 2023 – Initial commit.

  • Apr 03, 2023 – (i) Implement circle cursor to better position the manual tracking, (ii) save data on the last image and exit, (iii) index should be saved.