
Apply autocorrelation analysis on sequential PIV data.


python piv_folder out_folder [fps=50] [cutoff=2000]
  • fps: the imaging frame rate

  • cutoff: frame number above which the velocity data are not included in the analysis


python test_images

elocity_autocorr test_images elocity_autocorr ac_result 50 20


  • Dec 13, 2021 – Initial commit.

  • Feb 21, 2022 – Rewrite with new functions.

  • Mar 16, 2022 –

    1. Rewrite with piv_data class

    2. Use fps instead of dt as input argument

    3. Modify doc string

  • Mar 23, 2022 – add smoothn as an optional smoothing method

  • Nov 15, 2022 – Make fps and cutoff real keyword args.

  • Jan 05, 2023 – Adapt myimagelib import style.

  • Feb 08, 2023 – Rewrite in function wrapper form, to make autodoc work properly. (autodoc import the script and execute it, so anything outside if __name__=="__main__" will be executed, causing problems)