
class myimagelib.pivLib.compact_PIV(data)

Compact PIV data structure. Instead of saving PIV data of each frame pair in separated text files, we can save them in a more compact form, where (x, y, mask) information are only saved once and only velocity informations are kept in 3D arrays. The data will be saved in a Matlab style .mat file, and the internal structure is a Python dictionary, with entries (“x”, “y”, “labels”, “u”, “v”, “mask”). Since here x, y, u, v are no longer the same shape, accessing PIV data from a specific frame becomes less straight forward. This class is written to enable straightforward data access and saving. For a more detailed guide of using this class, see compact_PIV tutorial.


Initialize compact_PIV object from data.


data – can be dict or pandas.DataFrame. If it’s dict, set the value directly to If it’s DataFrame, construct a dict from the DataFrame (filelist).



Initialize compact_PIV object from data.

get_frame(i[, by])

