This is a binarized photo of me in 2022. I first binarized a real photo using ImageJ, then trace bit map in Inkscape to make it a vector graph. The graph contains some 100 nodes on the path, resulting an .svg file of 11 kb. It is hard to tell this is a photo of a man at the first glance, but if you move your mouse over the picture to activate a dark background, you can see my face, seemingly smiling.
这是一张我的二值化照片。我把彩色照片在 ImageJ 中二值化后,又在 Inkscape 中描绘位图为矢量图并简化。这张矢量图是一个包含几百个节点的路径,SVG 文件有 11 kb 大。这张图初看不像人像,但如果把鼠标移到图上激活深色背景,你(应该)能看到我的(笑)脸。

I’m Zhengyang Liu. I’m currently doing postdoctoral research at Cornell University. I got my PhD from the Department of Chemical Engineering and Material Sciences at the University of Minnesota in 2021. My thesis is Novel Properties and Emergent Collective Behavior of Active Fluids. I did experiments with bacteria, algae and protein filaments, and published some papers. I like coding and solving problems, work-related or not, with code. I like to extract information from images, which I learned later that should be termed computer vision. I believe in open source, and I am a big fan of GitHub, Jupyter and Markdown. I feel bad when people don’t put spaces around =. I like cooking, especially making dough.